Monday, August 16, 2021

'My Becoming' Series

A fragile and broken person can be ‘reborn’ despite the challenges faced in our daily lives,

and we hold on to hope to begin again with renewed spirit.

The lotus flower symbolizes rebirth and enlightenment

 Price: RM500
Size: 60cm x 50cm
Medium: Oil & acrylic on canvas

A representation of the past and the present. Our past hurts may have scarred and haunt us,

 … but time allow us to heal, grow stronger in mind, body and spirit.

Set ourselves free from the past and focus on moving forward to the best of our

future self and be beautiful  inside out.

 Price: RM500
Size: 60cm x 50cm
Medium: Acrylic on canvas

A depiction of a introvert and the desire to be accepted by others.

The hummingbird here symbolizes luck, happiness and bringing positive energy to our lives in which its colorful appearance reminded me to be unique and not to be afraid to stand out in the crowd (albeit its size) 

 Price: RM500
Size: 60cm x 60cm
Medium: Acrylic on canvas